All Classes and Interfaces

Implementing Activatable denotes the Object can, and usually must, be activated before it can be used.
When an YaegerEntity is Anchorable, it has access to am anchorpoint.
An AnchorPoint denotes the point of an YaegerEntity which is being used for placement on the x,y-coordinate.
An Animation encapsulate an animation that uses only a selection of the frames from a sprite sheet.
When used with an Animation that support a callback, this interface should be implemented by the object that supplies the callback-method.
An AnimationTimerFactory should be used to create instances of an AnimationTimer.
A Functional Interface to be used for the default handler of a AnimationTimer.
The AnnotationProcessor is responsible for processing Yaeger specific annotations.
An AudioRepository provides a central repository for acquiring audio files.
A MediaPlayer for playing background audio.
A BackgroundDelegate follows the Delegate pattern and embraces Composition over Inheritance.
A BackgroundFactory can be used to create instances of Background to be used as the background of a Pane.
Implementing this interface exposes the Bounded.getBoundingBox() and method, which returns the bounds, aka Bounding Box, of this Entity.
A BufferedMovable extends the interface Movable and support the use of a buffer.
A CenteredShapeEntity is a special case of a ShapeEntity, based on a Shape of which the center is the reference point when placed on a Scene.
A CircleEntity provides the option to use a drawable Circle as an YaegerEntity.
Denote that this Object can be cleared.
A Collided is a YaegerEntity that can be collided with by a Collider.
A Collider represents an YaegerEntity that can be collided with by a Collided
A CollisionDelegate handles all behavior related to Object collisions.
When a group of entities is combined to create a single YaegerEntity, they are a composition and this class should be used to perform that composition.
When implementing this Interface, a YaegerEntity will acquire the behaviour to perform a rotation on each Game World update, and thus give the illusion of a continuous rotation.
A Coordinate2D is a 2D geometric point that represents a pair of coordinates.
A CoordinateGridDelegate follows the Delegate pattern and embraces Composition over Inheritance.
Although many fonts are already available through the underlying technology JavaFX, it is also possible to use custom fonts.
The Debugger is used to gather and show in-game debug information.
A DebugGridPaneFactory should be used for creating instances of GridPane for use in the Debugger.
A value shown in the Debugger.
Implementing this interface states that this Object requires injection of dependencies.
Denote that this Object is Destroyable and hence ensures maximum Objects eligible for Garbage Collection.
Convenience enum for setting the Direction.
A DirectionProvider exposes a method to acquire the direction.
The DragNDropRepository is responsible for storing the Object that is currently being dragged.
A DragRepositoryAccessor needs access to a DragNDropRepository to either set or get information about the object that is currently being dragged/dropped.
An DynamicCircleEntity extends all behaviour of a CircleEntity, but also implements the Updatable Interface.
When a group of entities is combined to create a single entity, they are a composition and this class should be used to perform that composition.
An DynamicEllipseEntity extends all behaviour of a EllipseEntity, but also implements the Updatable Interface.
An DynamicRectangleEntity extends all behaviour of a RectangleEntity, but also implements the Updatable Interface.
A DynamicScene extends a StaticScene, but adds a Game World Update (GWU).
A DynamicSpriteEntity extends all behaviour of a SpriteEntity, but also implements the Updatable Interface.
An DynamicTextEntity extends all behaviour of a TextEntity, but also implements the Updatable Interface.
By implementing the interface Effectable, it is possible to apply various effects on both a YaegerScene and a YaegerEntity.
An EllipseEntity provides the option to use a drawable Ellipse as a YaegerEntity.
An EntityCollection encapsulates all behaviour related to all instances of YaegerEntity that are part of a YaegerScene.
A EntityCollectionFactory should be used to create instances of EntityCollection.
A wrapper class that allows entities to be configured using a generic configuration object.
An EntityMotionInitBuffer is used to support the option to set the speed, direction and physics related properties of an YaegerEntity from the constructor.
When a YaegerEntity needs to be processed, in general meaning it should be passed as a parameter to a specific method, this functional interface can be used as the basis for a Lambda expression.
An EntitySpawner is the abstract superclass that should be extended to create an object that spawns a subclass of YaegerEntity.
An EntitySpawnerContainer enables a YaegerScene to use instances of EntitySpawner.
An EntitySupplier extends a ArrayList of instances of YaegerEntity.
An EntitySupplierFactory is responsible for creating instances of EntitySupplier.
By implementing the interface EventInitiator it is possible to register an EventHandler for a given EventType.
A Timer that is to be used for creating the fade-in effect of the SplashScene.
A FiniteAnimation implements the interface Animation and should be used when the Animation should be played ony once.
A FiniteAnimation implements the interface Animation and should be used when the Animation should be played ony once.
Being a GameNode guarantees that a Node, if set, is accessible.
An ImageFactory should be used for creating instance of Image.
An ImageRepository provides a central repository for acquiring sprites.
An ImageViewFactory should be used for creating instance of ImageView.
Stating an Object is Initializable exposes the Initializable.init(Injector) lifecycle hook.
A InitializationBuffer is a simple data container, only used for storing the values can be set before an YaegerEntity gets initialized and the Node is available.
A KeyListener is notified when the set of pressed keys changes.
A KeyListenerDelegate follows the Delegate pattern and embraces Composition over Inheritance.
An LineFactory should be used for creating instance of Line.
A LinkedAnimation implements the interface Animation with the ability to set the next Animation to be played, after this one has finished.
A LinkedAnimationWithCallBack implements the interface Animation with the ability to set the next Animation to be played, after this one has finished.
A LocationUpdater can calculate a new location.
A LoopingAnimation implements the interface Animation and should be used when the Animation should loop.
An MediaFactory should be used for creating instance of Media and MediaPlayer.
A MotionApplier provides basis behaviour regarding speed and direction of a YaegerEntity
A MotionModifier is the basic interface that defines the API of all Objects that capable of modifying the motion of a YaegerEntity.
A MouseButtonPressedListener enables the YaegerEntity or YaegerScene to be notified if a MouseButton has been clicked while the mouse pointer is on the YaegerEntity or YaegerScene.
A MouseButtonReleasedListener enables the YaegerEntity or YaegerScene to be notified if a MouseButton has been released while the mouse pointer is on the YaegerEntity or YaegerScene.
A MouseDragEnterListener enables the YaegerEntity or YaegerScene to be notified when the area defined by its BoundingBox is being entered by something that is being dragged.
A MouseDragExitedListener enables the YaegerEntity or YaegerScene to be notified when the area defined by its BoundingBox is being exited by something that is being dragged.
Being a MouseDraggedListener enables the YaegerEntity or YaegerScene to be notified when a mouse button is pressed on this the area defined by the BoundingBox of an YaegerEntity or YaegerScene, and then dragged.
A MouseDropListener enables the YaegerEntity or YaegerScene to be notified when within the area defined by its BoundingBox something that is being dragged is dropped.
A MouseEnterListener enables the YaegerEntity or YaegerScene to be notified if the Mouse Cursor has entered the area defined by the BoundingBox of the YaegerEntity or YaegerScene.
A MouseExitListener enables the YaegerEntity or YaegerScene to be notified if the Mouse Cursor has exited the area defined by the BoundingBox of the YaegerEntity or YaegerScene.
A MouseMovedListener enables the YaegerEntity or YaegerScene to be notified if the mouse has been moved.
Being a MouseMovedWhileDraggingListener enables the YaegerEntity or YaegerScene to be notified if the mouse has been moved while it is dragging a MouseDraggedListener or nothing at all.
When the Interface Movable is implemented, an YaegerEntity is able to move around the YaegerScene on each Game World Update.
Implementing the NamedAnimationListProvider interface guarantees that a List of instances of FiniteAnimation is available.
A Newtonian is a special case of a Movable that abides the basic laws of gravity and friction.
A NewtonianModifier is capable of modifying all properties that are related to the laws of gravity and friction.
A method annotated with OnActivation will be automatically called by the AnnotationProcessor during activation of either an YaegerEntity or a YaegerScene.
A method annotated with OnActivation will be automatically called by the AnnotationProcessor after activation of either an YaegerEntity or a YaegerScene.
A PaneFactory can be used to create instances of Pane or ScrollPane.
A Placeable has a methods that can be used to place it at a different x,y-coordinates on the YaegerScene.
A RectangleEntity provides the option to use a drawable Rectangle as an YaegerEntity.
A Removable denotes an Object, most likely an YaegerEntity, that is eligible for removing from its parent.
Implementing a ResourceConsumer exposes a default methode that can be used to acquire the absolute path to a resource available on the class path.
A RootPaneProvider is capable of providing the Pane that should be used as the root pane for all other children of Node that are part of the YaegerScene.
Implementing this interface will result in de availability of the Rotatable.setRotate(double) method.
Since a YaegerScene is always rectangular shaped, it has fout borders, being the SceneBorder.TOP, SceneBorder.RIGHT, SceneBorder.BOTTOM and SceneBorder.LEFT.
Implement this interface to be notified if the YaegerEntity crosses the boundary of the YaegerScene.
Implement this interface to be notified if the YaegerEntity touches the boundary of the YaegerScene.
A SceneChild is part of a YaegerScene and has thus acces to width and height of the YaegerScene it is part of.
A SceneCollection contains all instances of YaegerScene that are part of a Game.
A SceneCollectionFactory can be used to create instances of SceneCollection.
A SceneFactory can be used to create instances of Scene.
A ScrollableDynamicScene has exactly the same behaviour as a DynamicScene, but adds the option to differ between the viewable area and the actual window size.
The ShapeEntity is the abstract super class of all Entities that encapsulate a JavaFX Shape.
A Size encapsulates the width and height.
A SoundClip encapsulates a mp3 audio file.
A SpeedProvider exposes a method to acquire the speed.
A Splash Screen, being an instance of YaegerScene that will be shown a given number of milliseconds at the start of a YaegerGame.
The factory to be used for creating instances of SplashScene.
A SpriteAnimationDelegate holds all responsibility related to Sprites that contain multiple images.
A SpriteAnimationDelegateFactory is responsible for creating an instance of a SpriteAnimationDelegate.
A SpriteEntity is a YaegerEntity that is represented by an Image.
A StaticScene is the abstract superclass of all scenes that do not require a Game Loop.
A StatisticsObserver will function as the Observer from the Observable-pattern, for changes in the EntityCollectionStatistics.
A TextEntity can be used to display a line of text on a YaegerScene.
An LineFactory should be used for creating instance of Line.
The TileFactory should be used for creating instances of YaegerEntity that will be part of a TileMap.
A TileMap encapsulate a two-dimensional map of instances of YaegerEntity, which should be added to a YaegerScene.
Implementing this interface exposes the TileMapContainer.addTileMap(TileMap) method.
An AnimationTimer that calls its handle() method on the given interval, and not the default on each frame.
A Functional Interface to be used for the handler of a AnimationTimer.
The abstract superclass of all timers that are available for both YaegerScene and YaegerEntity.
An TimerContainer enables a YaegerScene and YaegerEntity to use instances of Timer.
Implementing the TimerListProvider interface guarantees that a List of instances of Timer is available.
Implement this interface to be updated every cycle of the game loop.
A method annotated with UpdatableProvider should return an Updatable and will automatically be called during activation of an YaegerEntity or YaegerScene to gathers all objects that contain an Updatable.update(long) method that should be called at each Game world update.
An Updatable that delegates the Updatable.update(long) to an Updater.
An UpdateExposer can be applied to any dynamic YaegerEntity or YaegerScene and makes it possible to explicitly use the GWU.
An Updater contains a List of Updatable to which the update method will be delegated.
All constants that are related to the view order of any Node that is to be part of a YaegerGame.
A specific implementation of AnimationTimer that limits the call to YaegerAnimationTimer.handle(long) to 60 times per second.
The commandline parser will parse the String[] provided as command line arguments during start up to a YaegerConfig.
An encapsulation of the various configuration settings that can be applied to a Yaeger game at start-up.
A YaegerEntity is the base class for all things that can be drawn on a YaegerScene.
YaegerGame is the base class that must be extended to create a Yaeger game.
The abstract base class of both the YaegerEntity and StaticScene and contains the shared behaviour.
A YaegerScene encapsulates a scene or level from a Yaeger Game.
A YaegerStage encapsulates an JavaFX Stage.