Setting up a new game

Let's first create the entry-point, the class that contains the main-method.

Edit Create a class called in the package com.github.hanyaeger.tutorial.

Edit Let Waterworld extend the class YaegerGame and implement the required methods. Leave them empty for now.

Edit Add a main-method that calls the static method launch() from the class YaegerGame. Pass the arguments from the main-method to the launch-method:

public static void main(String[] args){

Run You now have a minimal Yaeger game. Run the main-method to start the game. As you will notice, there is a default width and height, and you'll be greeted with the Splash Screen. Since no Scenes have been added, Yaeger exits after showing this Splash Screen.

Yaeger Splash Screen

Set the width, height and title of the game

The game now uses the default size (width/height), which might be a bit small. You can use the method setupGame() to set the size to a specific value. Furthermore, you can set the title of the game, which will be shown as the title of the window.

Edit Add the following body to the setupGame() method

protected void setupGame() {
    setSize(new Size(800, 600));

The game has been set up, in the next step we will add the scenes and their content.