Creating the first scene

We're going to add the first scene to the game. Yaeger supports two different types of scenes. A StaticScene and a DynamicScene. A StaticScene will have no Game World Update (GWU) and should be used for scenes in which nothing should move or be animated. A DynamicScene does receive a GWU and should be used for Game Levels, or scenes that contain animated elements. Since nothing will have to be animated for the Title scene, it can be a StaticScene.

Add the title scene

Edit Create a new Class called TitleScene that extends StaticScene in the package com.github.hanyaeger.tutorial.scenes. Implement the required methods, but leave them empty.

Set the background image and audio

The method setupScene() should be used for setting the background image and audio of a scene. For this you can use the methods setBackgroundImage(String) and setBackgroundAudio(String). Both the image and the audio are provided in the resources/ folder. This folder should be the only location to store your assets. The url is relative to this folder, so the file background1.jpg from the folder backgrounds/ should be accessed through the url backgrounds/background1.jpg. For the background audio, we will use ocean.mp3.

Edit Add the following body to the setupScene().

public void setupScene(){

At this point you should have a look at the file, which is called the Module Descriptor. This is a special file that defines (amongst other things) which directories should be opened up. The resources folder itself is open by default, but any subdirectory should be added for the resources in those directories to be available. As you will notice this has already been done:

opens audio; 
opens backgrounds; 
opens sprites;

Do not forget to do this for your own game, or an Exception will be thrown when the game is trying to access a resource that is in a directory that has not been opened up.

Add the TitleScene to the Yaeger game

Now that we have created the TitleScene, we should add it to the Game. For this, we will use the method addScene(int, YaegerScene) from Waterworld. java. This method should be called from setupScenes() and takes two parameters. The first one identifies the scene, which you can use to set the active scene. The second parameter is an instance of the scene.

Edit So add the following body to the setupScenes() method:

public void setupScenes(){
    addScene(0, new TitleScene());

Run It's time to run the game again. After the Splash Screen has been shown, the TitleScene should be loaded.

Add some text to the TitleScene

Let's add the title of the game to the TitleScene. All objects you can add to a scene are called Entities. Of these there are various different types. There are TextEntities that should be used for displaying text, SpriteEntities for displaying a Sprite and shape-based Entities, such as a RectangleEntity. For all these types there are the Static and Dynamic version.

A title is typically the static version of a TextEntity. We will use the method setupEntities() to add Entities to the scene.

Edit Add the following body to the setupEntities() method:

public void setupEntities(){
    var waterworldText = new TextEntity(
        new Coordinate2D(getWidth() / 2, getHeight() / 2),
    waterworldText.setFont(Font.font("Roboto", FontWeight.SEMI_BOLD, 80));

The Title Scene

First we create the waterworldText by instantiating a TextEntity. The first parameter of the constructor is the Coordinate2D. To place it at the center of the scene, we use the getWidth()/2 and getHeight()/2. The second parameter is the text to be shown. To actually place the center of the TextEntity at the center of the scene, we use the method setAnchorPoint(). To set the color, we use setFill(). We set the font to Roboto, through the method setFont() and lastly we add the TextEntity to the scene, by calling the method addEntity().

Run Run the game again. The TitleScene should now contain the title.