Yaeger is Another Education Game Engine Runtime, and a fully functional 2D game-engine that requires only a traditional Object-Oriented style of programming. To create a game, classes should be extended and interfaces should be implemented.

Its API is based on inheritance and composition and can be seen as a layer of abstraction on top of JavaFX. JavaFX is only exposed minimally, so it is not trivially possible to use JavaFX within Yaeger. This is by design.

Required Java version

Although Yaeger only exposes a traditional Object-Oriented API, internally its based on modern Java. To see which specific version is required, please read the readme on the project GitHub.

Howto read this manual

This manual is only meant to give a high-level overview. It will paint a picture of how a game can be created and what kind of objects are available. The details and specifics will not be part of this manual. They can be found in the JavaDoc API.