Improve collision detection through the use of composition

Now we have implemented both the swordfish and Hanny, and collision detection between them, we might notice that the collision detection is too rough. The bounding box of the swordfish is much too large, compared to its area, and we would much rather only register a collision if Hanny collides with the actual sword of the swordfish.

We are going to create a new version of the swordfish that does just that. For this, we will be using a composition of several entities, that will be part of a DynamicCompositeEntity.

Edit Create a package com.github.hanyaeger.tutorial.entities.swordfish. In this package create a class SwordFish that extends DynamicCompositeEntity. Implement the methods, but leave them empty for now. Delete the previous implementation of the swordfish and replace all usages with the new one.

Another setupEntities()?

Because a composite entity enables the possibility to create a composition of entities, it supplies its own setupEntities() method, which should be used to add the entities that are to be a part of the composition.

A composite entity defines its own area, where the top-left corner has coordinate (0,0). The size of a composite entity is derived from it content.

Create the entities that should be part of the composite entity

The composition will consist of two entities, a SpriteEntity that provides the image of the swordfish, and a RectangleEntity that will implement Collided, be invisible and placed exactly on the sword of the swordfish.

Edit Create the class SwordFishSprite that extends SpriteEntity and place it in the package com.github.hanyaeger.tutorial.entities.swordfish in the following way:

public class SwordfishSprite extends SpriteEntity {

    public SwordfishSprite(final Coordinate2D location) {
        super("sprites/swordfish.png", location);

Edit Create a class HitBox that extends RectangleEntity and implements Collider in the following way:

public class HitBox extends RectangleEntity implements Collider {

    public HitBox(final Coordinate2D initialPosition) {

Add the entities to the composition

Now use the setupEntities() method from SwordFish to add both entities. First the SwordFishSprite and then the HitBox. Since the SwordFishSprite should be placed in the upper-left corner of the SwordFish, it should be placed at coordinate (0,0).

Edit Add the SwordFishSprite to the SwordFish at coordinate (0,0).

Edit Add the HitBox to the swordfish in such a way that it overlaps the sword of the swordfish. It could help to set the fill of the hitbox to a specific color, so you can see what you're doing.

Make the swordfish swim

Notice that both the image and the hitbox are static entities. They are part of the composite entity, which is a dynamic entity. This DynamicCompositeEntity is the one that will move around the scene, and its content will move with it.

Edit Make the SwordFish swim through the scene as it did before. Don't forget to make him reappear if he leaves the screen.

Run Start the game and test if the swordfish behaves as expected.